On this week in sales we’ll be looking at:
-Outreach gets 'sentimental' and proclaims that email “open rates” and “reply rates” don’t matter anymore.
-Only 25% of sales organisations have defined their own sales metrics.
- Does Will’s beard make him a better salesperson than Victor according to the latest research? How will Victor respond?
- Whatfix is Recognized in Gartner’s Latest Report on Digital Adoption Solutions (DAS)! What the heck is DAS?
- Gartner Says Only 25% of Sales Organizations Have a Standard Definition for Sales Metrics! Uh oh!
- Rise of the Influencers? 2021 predictions: on B2B companies will use decentralized tools to manage the role of influencers across the enterprise
- Gong.io will show you how to PARTY! Releases a SKO (Sales Kick-Off) Checklist for 2020 :
- Gartner Survey Finds 90% Of HR Leaders Will Allow Employees To Work Remotely Even After COVID-19 Vaccine Is Available
- New Book Release: Game of Sales: Lessons Learned Working at Adobe, Amazon, Google, and IBM by David Perry
This...and much more!