How do you nail the client down for a date to do a presentation? What would you say? Find out in this sales influence podcast!
Afraid to make the cold call? Don't understand why you won't call?
Are you frustrated at hiring salespeople that don't work out? What can you do to hire the right salesperson? Find out in this podcast!
How do you start a sales conversation? How do you keep it going? The best salespeople know how to build rapport through great conversation.
How can you close more deals? In this Sales Influence podcast, I reveal ONE simple strategy you can use to close more sales!
How can you keep your team motivated? Should you design a compensation plan to motivate them? Find out on this Sales Influence Podcast.
Who is the most important person in your business? Who is the only one who is NOT cost center? Find out in this Sales Influence Podcast.
Learn how to sell to business, consumers, and homeowners using 3 simple sales models.
To close a sale, it's necessary to corner you client by getting them to divulge key information to help you close the deal. Here's how you do it in this Sales Influence Podcast.
Are salespeople born (nature) or are they made (nurture)? What percentage are natural salespeople? Find out in this Sales Influence Podcast.
When is it time to walk away from a potential deal? How do you know it's the right time? Find out on this Sales Influence Podcast.
When is a good time to follow up? What's the best way to follow up? Find out on this Sales Influence Podcast!