How do you deal with non-performing salespeople? Should you punish them? If not, what should you do?
How can you build your sales confidence? How can you sell more without discounting your price? Do you REALLY know your product's value? Find out in this Sales Influence Podcast.
Why don't prospects call back? What can you do to get your calls returned? It's this simple on this Sales Influence Podcast!
Shortening the sales cycle and getting client commitment requires that you accelerate the sale or else risk the sales dying on the vines.
Selling is about getting the client to say yes with minimal effort. To sell more requires that you take advantage of the easy sales.
Getting someone to believe in your product or service is NOT enough. You have to prepare them to fight for you when you're not there.
Learn how to put yourself into the client's position. See things from their point of view in order to CLOSE more effectively.
How can you improve? How can you get better at selling? What specific thing can you do to be more effective? Find out in this Sales Influence Podcast.
What is Your Time Worth? Do you know how to calculate your hourly value? In this Sales Podcast you'll learn how much a lunch is really costing you.
How many clients do you need to speak with to hit your sales number? How do you calculate your annual income? Learn how to reverse engineer your number.
If you attend tradeshows and what to find out how to qualify sales leads, this is the podcast for you!
What happens when you listen to other people? How does it impact you? Find out in this sales influence podcast.
How do you nail the client down for a date to do a presentation? What would you say? Find out in this sales influence podcast!
Afraid to make the cold call? Don't understand why you won't call?
Are you frustrated at hiring salespeople that don't work out? What can you do to hire the right salesperson? Find out in this podcast!
How do you start a sales conversation? How do you keep it going? The best salespeople know how to build rapport through great conversation.
How can you close more deals? In this Sales Influence podcast, I reveal ONE simple strategy you can use to close more sales!
How can you keep your team motivated? Should you design a compensation plan to motivate them? Find out on this Sales Influence Podcast.
Who is the most important person in your business? Who is the only one who is NOT cost center? Find out in this Sales Influence Podcast.
Learn how to sell to business, consumers, and homeowners using 3 simple sales models.
To close a sale, it's necessary to corner you client by getting them to divulge key information to help you close the deal. Here's how you do it in this Sales Influence Podcast.
Are salespeople born (nature) or are they made (nurture)? What percentage are natural salespeople? Find out in this Sales Influence Podcast.
When is it time to walk away from a potential deal? How do you know it's the right time? Find out on this Sales Influence Podcast.
When is a good time to follow up? What's the best way to follow up? Find out on this Sales Influence Podcast!
We all hate when a client says, "We'll get back to you." Here's how you handle that situation.